enova nye stotteordninger

Enovas nye støtteordninger for energieffektivisering av yrkesbygg

I et nylig trekk for å styrke energieffektiviseringsarbeidet har Enova, lansert tre nye programmer rettet mot energieffektivisering i eksisterende bygg. Disse programmene er utarbeidet for å forbedre bærekraftigheten i både yrkesbygg og boligselskaper.

«We want to increase the demand for energy measures in buildings»
«This will give the construction sector lower energy costs and more attractive buildings.»

– Anna Barnwell, marketing manager at Enova,


These measures come in response to the growing need to reduce the climate impact from the building sector. As Climate and Environment Minister Espen Barth Eide pointed out:

«Efficient use of energy is a prerequisite for the transition to a low-emission society. The government has therefore specified Enova’s mandate related to energy so that it now includes energy efficiency in all sectors. Enova’s commitment to energy efficiency in commercial buildings and housing associations is an important contribution to saving energy. It is good for both climate and nature»

– Climate and Environment Minister Espen Barth Eide (Ap)


Details of the three programs:

  1. Improving the energy status of commercial buildings:  This program provides investment support for projects that improve the energy standard in existing commercial buildings by more than 20%. It is particularly aimed at buildings with a high potential for energy improvement. The support can cover up to 30% of the costs with a maximum amount of NOK 10 million.
  2. Energy mapping in commercial buildings:  Enova offers support for energy mapping of commercial buildings. The mapping will give owners and tenants a thorough overview of the building’s current energy status and potential for improvement. The support can cover up to 50% of the costs with a maximum amount of NOK 400,000.
  3. Improving the energy status of housing associations and condominiums:  This program provides support to housing associations and housing cooperatives that want to improve the building’s energy status by 20% or more. The support can cover up to 30% of the costs with a maximum amount of NOK 10 million.

Competition for the funding

The support schemes for Enova are divided into periods. If you do not manage to apply within a deadline, you can still apply in the next application window. Preliminary application deadlines can be found below:

Improvement of the energy situation in commercial buildings

Application deadlines 2023:

  • 24 November at 12:00

Application deadlines 2024:

  • 26 January at 12:00
  • 22 March at 12:00
  • May 24 at 12:00
  • 30 August at 12:00
  • 15 October at 12:00
  • 22 November at 12:00

Energy mapping in commercial buildings

Application deadlines 2023:

  • 24 November at 12:00

Application deadlines 2024:

  • 26 January at 12:00
  • 22 March at 12:00
  • May 24 at 12:00
  • 30 August at 12:00
  • 15 October at 12:00
  • 22 November at 12:00

Improvement of the energy situation in housing associations and condominiums

Application deadlines 2023:

  • 24 November at 12:00

Application deadlines 2024:

  • 22 March at 12.00
  • 15 October at 12.00

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Baker saves electricity after energy mapping

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